John Giannetto


Since beginning his career in 2010, John quickly realized that he had a passion to help people struggling with substance use and mental health disorders. Being a person in long term recovery, he understands the importance of ensuring that each client is placed into the appropriate clinical care to address their unique situation. John brings extensive experience from a variety of treatment programs including roles as program director, intake/admissions, and insurance/finance. This experience allows him to engage patiently with our new clients to understand their treatment needs and resolve any issues that arise prior to admission. As Director of Business Development, he is responsible for building relationships both nationally and locally with other treatment facilities and professionals. These relationships allow our clients to receive the widest breadth of treatment services, whether they might require a program outside of Birmingham or they are returning to the area to continue their recovery. Most importantly, John recognizes how difficult that first call can be, so he takes the time and care necessary to make sure every caller is met with compassion, love, and hope.

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