Xanax Addiction Treatment at Birmingham Recovery Center

  |   January 18, 2024

Kicking any addiction is a huge challenge for anyone hooked on a substance. Xanax is one of the most widely used anti-anxiety medications on the market. However, it is highly addictive

Kicking any addiction is a huge challenge for anyone hooked on a substance. Xanax is one of the most widely used anti-anxiety medications on the market. However, it is highly addictive, and many people find they can’t function without it. Unfortunately, this type of medication is one of the most commonly abused. In fact, statistics from the National Library of Medicine show that around 20% of the total people who take this medication misuse it.

When you’ve reached a point where you need to seek out medication illegally or take all of your prescriptions before you can get your next refill, it may be time to seek help at Birmingham Recovery Center. Keep reading to learn more about signs and symptoms and what to do if you need help.

Dangers of Xanax

Xanax is a commonly prescribed drug that’s meant to help patients quickly alleviate anxiety symptoms. It can also help improve sleep in patients with anxiety and stress. Its generic name is Alprazolam, and it is used extensively to help people manage their stress and anxiety to help them regain control of their lives. However, it’s meant to help in the short term and not intended for long-term use. The usual length for a prescription is approximately six weeks. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for people to become addicted.

Some addicts get this medication from others with a prescription or from people who sell it illegally. Whatever way the addict gets the drug, it can be extremely difficult to quit taking it and requires help to prevent dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

This medication is also extremely dangerous when mixed with several other drugs and alcohol. Mixing Xanax with other drugs can be fatal. Once people begin taking it for stress, the odds are higher that they will mix it with other medication and alcohol, leaving them at a high risk for overdoses.

Mental Health Conditions Leave Patients at Risk For Addiction

Xanax is a controlled substance that requires a medical professional to prescribe it. That’s because of its highly addictive qualities. People with trauma or untreated mental conditions are much more likely to develop an addiction to Xanax. However, most people who take Xanax for panic disorder, anxiety, and stress have pre-existing mental conditions that leave them at risk.

This can cause additional stress on their system when it’s time to stop taking the medication. The process of quitting Xanax can make patients feel like they can’t manage their desire to take the drug, leading them to take illegal substances or try to get Xanax from others.

Symptoms of Xanax Addiction

Many symptoms come with Xanax addiction. In fact, a patient may have one or several of these symptoms, which can make life unmanageable without professional help from a top recovery center. The symptoms can include the following.

  • Weight fluctuation
  • Binge-eating
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Hallucinations
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Violent outbursts
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Issues with balance and speech
  • Memory issues
  • Cognition problems

There can also be more symptoms that experts can identify as symptoms of Xanax addiction. If you’re unsure whether you or someone you know is dependent on this drug, you should consult with an addiction expert and convince them to get advice and potential treatment.

How Is Addiction Treated?

Different substance addictions are treated differently, but there are some standard therapies for patients that are proven to work. The recovery center may recommend detox to help monitor patients for withdrawal symptoms and help them avoid getting more Xanax. Once the detox process is over, the center may recommend partial hospitalization or outpatient recovery to get the best outcome.

Some commonly used recovery techniques include the following.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
  • Rapid Resolution Therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Art and music therapy
  • One-on-one therapy and counseling sessions

The method for treating your addiction depends on your situation. Specially trained experts can learn more about your addiction and situation to create an effective treatment plan. The goal is to help you break your addiction to Xanax or other substances and learn coping techniques for preventing relapses.

What to Expect

You may wonder what to expect when seeking treatment for Xanax addiction. First, reaching out for help is the key. Once you get help, you’ll have support to make the process work. Depending on your needs, there may be a need for detox or partial hospitalization. When you arrive at the facility, a complete medical history is collected. Then, the center provides you with information about what happens during treatment.

You may be admitted into the facility, or the medical professionals may determine if you should take the outpatient route. If there is a need for intensive treatment, you’ll be admitted to a comfortable and calming area to acclimate and then meet with your treatment team. A special course of treatment is prescribed for a specific time, and then follow-up care is recommended for the best results.

Therapy is also an important part of treatment to get to the root of issues and prevent them from causing a relapse. With a commitment to getting better and the right support, it’s possible to recover and lead a normal, healthier lifestyle without Xanax or other drugs and alcohol.

Are You Ready to Get Help?

Do you have a dependence on Xanax or other drugs? If so, now is the time to get help. We have caring and professional experts ready to work with you to make it possible to kick the addiction and get back to living a normal life. Take the first step towards breaking free from Xanax dependence and be successful at regaining your independence.

Please call our trained professionals at (205) 813-7400 to get started with the admission process. Our caring and informed team knows how to work with you to make this experience less stressful and provide the most support. We can walk you through the process from the first step through the entire recovery process. Don’t wait to get the help you need. Let Birmingham Recovery Center provide the services you need to get better for good.

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