8 Types of Holistic Recovery to Supplement Treatment

  |   February 8, 2024

Recovery treatment programs have changed drastically over the years as new studies and research are conducted. Holistic recovery treatment programs have been gaining popularity an

Recovery treatment programs have changed drastically over the years as new studies and research are conducted. Holistic recovery treatment programs have been gaining popularity and have proven to be a successful form of treatment for individuals struggling with addiction.

Learn exactly what type of holistic recovery treatments are offered and what kind of benefits each one gives patients.

8 Different Types of Holistic Recovery Treatment

The process of recovery requires more support than traditional treatments. New research and discoveries are uncovering the benefits of treating addiction with holistic approaches. Holistic recovery provides unique benefits that help increase the chances of success through treatment.

Below are several types of holistic recovery treatment used in some of the best centers in the world.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness has the potential to quiet your thoughts and lower the chaos within your own mind. The practice helps individuals become more present in the moment to pay attention to thoughts that may be affecting their feelings and emotions.

Using mindfulness, you’ll better understand your cravings or triggers and have an idea of the source leading to addiction. By learning more about yourself, you’ll open opportunities to find healthier coping mechanisms that can replace substance abuse.

A common application of mindfulness in treatment may involve guided meditation sessions. In these sessions, individuals focus on their breath or a mantra that guides their inner calm and awareness. When triggers are presented in real life, you can use these mantras to help gain more control over your sensations.


A yoga practice combines physical strength, flexibility, and mental clarity to help individuals reconnect with their bodies and minds. It helps break you out of your patterns through physical practice when verbal or emotional expression is not enough.

In one session, you’ll focus on mindfulness, stress management, and self-awareness through breathing techniques and ethical principles. Incorporating yoga into a weekly routine will lower the triggers associated with relapse and addiction.

Many recovery centers integrate yoga into their treatment programs through regular classes or workshops. For example, a typical session might begin with gentle stretching to release tension, followed by a series of postures designed to build strength and flexibility.


During a biofeedback session, you’ll be connected to a state-of-the-art machine that monitors your physiological signals, including heart rate and muscle tension. You’ll learn how to control these responses through specific techniques such as breathing exercises or visualization.

This type of treatment allows individuals to gain a better understanding of the physical effects of stress and anxiety on their bodies. By learning how to regulate these symptoms, they can reduce cravings and improve overall well-being.

In a typical biofeedback session, you’ll be connected to a device with sensors while a therapist guides you through relaxation or visualization exercises. Real-time feedback on a monitor allows you to see how your body reacts to different stimuli.

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional therapy is based on the premise that the foods we consume have a direct impact on our physical health as well as our mental and emotional well-being. Substance abuse often leads to nutritional deficiencies, which increase feelings of depression, anxiety, and fatigue. All of which hinder the recovery process.

Through nutritional therapy, your body is replenished with healthy nutrients to boost your energy levels, immune system, and overall mood. Recovery centers that include this type of holistic therapy give the patient a better nutritional foundation to work from when they leave.

This method is integrated into programs through personalized meal plans and nutritional education. For example, a nutritionist might work with each individual to develop a balanced diet plan that meets their unique needs. This could involve incorporating nutrient-rich foods that boost serotonin levels to uplift mood or omega-3 fatty acids to enhance cognitive function.


This natural practice uses aromatic essential oils to improve the health of your body, mind, and spirit to enhance both your physical and emotional health. Certain scents have the ability to trigger specific responses in the brain, and aromatherapy seeks to harness this connection for healing purposes.

For example, lavender is known to have a calming effect on the mind and body. By inhaling lavender essential oils during a massage or incorporating it into your daily routine, individuals can reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. This can be especially helpful for those struggling with anxiety or insomnia during holistic recovery.

This simple tool of adding a scent to an environment has the potential to lower anxiety, stress, and depression during recovery. Patients can easily integrate this into their personal lives as they complete recovery and return to their normal surroundings.

Massage Therapy

Recognized for its physical and emotional benefits, massage therapy can be a valuable tool in the journey towards recovery. Massage therapy is known to relieve stress, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. In the context of addiction recovery, it can help manage withdrawal symptoms, decrease anxiety and depression, improve sleep quality, and enhance overall well-being.

For many in recovery, the simple act of touch is enough to provide a sense of connection and comfort, which is often missing from many recovery programs. It can also aid in the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, further supporting the recovery process.

In holistic recovery programs, massages might be added daily as a part of an individual’s schedule, or they might be offered on-site whenever the individual needs them. Multiple types of massages are typically available as well, from Swedish and deep tissue massages to hot stone therapy and acupressure.


This ancient Chinese practice is widely recognized for its potential benefits in managing various health conditions, including substance addiction. It involves a trained administrator applying very thin needles stimulating specific points on the body to restore balance and promote the body’s natural healing processes.

Research suggests that acupuncture, particularly ear acupuncture, can be beneficial in treating drug and alcohol addiction. The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol, a specific form of ear acupuncture, has been used effectively in various addiction recovery settings.

Used primarily as a supplemental holistic recovery program, Acupuncture should be combined with other modalities to get the best effects. An individual might receive acupuncture treatments alongside counseling sessions, group therapy, and other holistic practices.

Herbal Medications

These natural remedies can help manage various aspects of addiction recovery, from physical symptoms to emotional well-being. Derived entirely from plants, herbal medications have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions.

Certain herbs, for instance, St. John’s Wort, are known for their mood-enhancing properties. Others, like Valerian Root, can aid in promoting sleep and relaxation. These natural remedies can provide support during the challenging phases of detoxification and withdrawal.

Herbal medications are used in combination with other dietary recommendations and nutritional supplements. These types of holistic medications can be used generally with all recovery patients or customized to fit each individual’s unique needs.

Best Center for Holistic Recovery Treatment

Birmingham Recovery Center is an alcohol and drug rehab center known for its comprehensive holistic recovery treatment programs. They effortlessly combine traditional evidence-based methods with holistic therapies to provide an individualized recovery experience for each patient. With a team of experienced and compassionate professionals, their programs are tailored to address the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of addiction.

Call the Birmingham Recovery Center at (205) 813-7400 to talk with one of our staff to understand how they are helping thousands of individuals break their patterns.

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