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Our goal is to ensure our clients, families, and the communities in which we serve are the most informed about recovery and wellness. Please visit us often for the most recent posts, news, resources, and information.

Are You A Good Candidate For A Partial Hospitalization Program?

May 8, 2024

Do you find yourself struggling with addiction or a mental health issue that has consumed your life, making it difficult to function? If so, you may be a good candidate for a partial hospitalization program. While seeking treatment is often intimidating and challenging, partial hospitalization programs...

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How Can A Partial Hospitalization Program Benefit You?

May 8, 2024

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a structured program of outpatient services as an alternative to inpatient care. Patients get intense care throughout the day but are not required to stay overnight. The idea of inpatient care can be daunting and can make people less willing...

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What Is An Intensive Outpatient Program And How Does It Work?

May 8, 2024

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a structured treatment program where eating disorders, mental health disorders, and substance addiction are addressed. Similar to a partial hospitalization program, this type of program does not require around-the-clock supervision. What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program? So, what exactly is...

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Is Gabapentin Addictive?

May 8, 2024

Gabapentin is a prescription medication that is often used to treat people who have been having convulsions, partial seizures, and nerve pain. As is the case with virtually every type of prescription medication, gabapentin use has both beneficial features and certain unpleasant side effects. Common questions...

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A Comprehensive Guide To Dual Diagnosis

May 8, 2024

When listening to stories from those with mental health disorders or substance abuse disorders, it may not come to mind that someone can battle both of these things at the same time. Unfortunately, this is more common than we might think. Studies have shown direct links...

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Dual Diagnosis: Dealing With Depression As Summer Comes To An End

May 8, 2024

As the days get cooler and shorter, it can become more challenging to manage depressive symptoms. For people with pre-existing addictions, this time of year can be more difficult than anything. Being affected by a dual diagnosis may make recovery seem impossible. However, with the care...

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Alcohol Addiction Recovery: 5 Actions You Can Take Right Now

May 8, 2024

Today we are going to give you actionable steps that you can start right now. That’s right, the time is now, and you can choose to take action and get a hold of your alcohol addiction recovery process. Today is a new day, and it’s high...

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5 Common Types of Intrusive Thoughts and How to Manage Them

April 24, 2024

For many individuals on the path toward sobriety, intrusive thoughts can be extremely damaging. They can lead to negative, persistent thought patterns and negatively impact a person’s ability to get the help they need to overcome their addictions.  At Birmingham Recovery Center, our team in Birmingham,...

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Xanax® Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline, and Coping Strategies

April 17, 2024

In 2021, more than 15.3 million people received prescriptions for Xanax® in the United States. Although this medication can be beneficial for individuals struggling with anxiety, their potential for abuse cannot be overlooked. Unfortunately, more than 5.3 million people report abusing this medication within a one-year...

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