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Our goal is to ensure our clients, families, and the communities in which we serve are the most informed about recovery and wellness. Please visit us often for the most recent posts, news, resources, and information.

Dual Diagnosis: The Importance of Treating Co-occurring Disorders

March 29, 2024

Approximately 38% of people with addiction also have co-occurring mental health disorders. For some, addressing both addiction and other mental health conditions simultaneously is invaluable. For this reason, our team at Birmingham Recovery Center offers dual diagnosis treatment. Here is what you should know. What is...

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Is An Intensive Outpatient Program Right For You?

March 22, 2024

When thinking about rehab, most people imagine a facility where they live 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The truth is that this is just one option for addiction treatment. If you are considering going to rehab, a few options are available. Many people...

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How Drug Rehab Aftercare Can Help You Remain Sober

March 15, 2024

When people take the brave step of getting sober, it’s something to admire and celebrate. It is a big deal to admit to addiction and dedicate yourself to getting sober. If you are in recovery, you deserve congratulations and respect. The next step is to hold...

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How Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Substance Abuse Work Together

February 22, 2024

A lot of people realize that they are not as cheerful during the winter, but psychologists say that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real kind of depression. It is easy to blame the negative feelings on the weather and on the need to stay inside...

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How to Fit Rehab Into Your Busy Schedule

February 15, 2024

Statistics from 2022 show that more than 48.7 million people ages 12 and older in the United States struggle with some type of substance use disorder. Of these individuals, approximately 6% receive some type of treatment for substance use disorders. Although there are many reasons why...

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8 Types of Holistic Recovery to Supplement Treatment

February 8, 2024

Recovery treatment programs have changed drastically over the years as new studies and research are conducted. Holistic recovery treatment programs have been gaining popularity and have proven to be a successful form of treatment for individuals struggling with addiction. Learn exactly what type of holistic recovery...

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The Benefits of Family Programming for Addiction Treatment

January 25, 2024

When you or a loved one enters addiction treatment, it affects the whole family. Addiction counselors understand this, which is why many facilities offer family programming as part of their approach. As you consider treatment options, look for a program that actively involves families and helps...

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Xanax Addiction Treatment at Birmingham Recovery Center

January 18, 2024

Kicking any addiction is a huge challenge for anyone hooked on a substance. Xanax is one of the most widely used anti-anxiety medications on the market. However, it is highly addictive, and many people find they can't function without it. Unfortunately, this type of medication is...

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The Benefits of Outpatient Rehab Services

January 11, 2024

Making the decision to get help for drug or alcohol addiction is life-changing. When considering your options, you may come across both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs. While inpatient care offers round-the-clock supervised support, outpatient rehab provides flexibility while still facilitating recovery. As you educate yourself...

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